
Explore My News,
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To write about my experience with the World Race and not write about each and every incredible soul on my team, I would not be expressing my experience authentically. 


I have spent the last seven months of my life in intimate relationship with five women, five women that have shown me a taste of what life in the kingdom is like, five women that have held my hand when I hurt and cheered me on when I smiled. Five women that taught me authenticity, honesty, humility, service, care and unconditional love. 


I could write novels about these women and the impact and beauty that they bring to my life, unfortunately, a blog for each unique and beautiful woman will have to do. 







Ellie Zeller 



When I tell you it is an honor to even have the privilege of writing about this woman, I mean it. Ellie is a woman of God, a human of passion, understanding, pursuit, discipline and creativity and she is best friend. 


Ellie was one of the first people I met for the race, we both lived in Colorado so some of the people who lived near by decided to all meet up to get to know each other before we launched. From the moment I met Ellie, she brought joy and life into the room. Bringing a smile and a comforting presence that makes you feel like home. We found out later that we were on the same flight to Georgia. As soon as we got to the airport together, it felt right. We were laughing and talking like old friends in a matter of minutes and thinking back, I don’t think there was ever a moment were I doubted that she was going to be my best friend. 


Our relationship and my admiration for Ellie has only multiplied since that first day in September. I have seen her love and seek after others with grace and passion. I have seen her heart for the Father and she has shown me new parts of His heart within herself. 


Ellie is a natural home-maker and culture setter, she carries incredible influence and uses it for love and humility. When she speaks, people listen because every word she utters is a word of wisdom and truth.


One of the main things that truly got me through the race was Ellie. 


I remember my early time in Georgia at training camp were I had to wrestle with a lot of idols in my own life. I was terrified of being wrong, terrified of having to break myself down and rebuild myself because it was painful: spoiler alert, I had to do just that. Ellie was somebody who I would always go to who would speak life and truth into places were I fell short yet did it with humility, gentleness and kindness. She would simultaneously be the best shoulder to cry on and the helping hand up when I needed it. She got in the fire with me, got in my mess and loved me all the better. 


She has taught me endless amounts about standards. She holds herself to high standards of dignity, integrity, self-control and love. Those standards inspire me to follow suit and mold me into a better person every day. 


To write about Ellie and I’s relationship and not write about laughter, would be to leave out a major part of our lives together. I cannot remember a moment where Ellie and I are not laughing together. Even in incredibly hard moments, she brings light and laughter. It is such a sacred and beautiful thing, laughter, and Ellie brings it effortlessly. She has this special ability to bring joy to even the darkest places and through her joy, she unifies people together. 


Ellie is a warrior for the Kingdom of Heaven and her strength is truly a force of nature. In Ecuador, Ellie suffered from a lot of illness. There was a point where her very painful parasite had come back for a second time and had made her incredibly sick for over two days of no sleep. In those extreme conditions, Ellie still brought laughter. 


I remember in the midst of all this, seeing her and exchanging some funny remarks with her as we usually do and then cracking up in laughter. After she left I had remembered how ill she was feeling and was struck. She had not complained once but instead she still brought everyone around her light and life. I thought about what I would do in that situation and I was convicted to know that I would have not operated in such a posture of humility, goodness and positivity. 


To know her and do life with everyday is an honor. We joke about how we haven’t gone 7 months without basically sleeping on top of each other, whether that’s in bunkbeds next to each other, sleeping bags in the mountains of Ecuador or tents pitched basically on top of each other in Gainesville, Georgia, we have stuck together. But it truly is a beautiful reflection of who she is and our relationship. She feels like home, and it’s easy to make wherever I am home with Ellie by my side. She is someone who I know will be in my life for the rest of my life and God blessed me endlessly with her presence in my life. 


I have sobbed with her, I have peed my pants laughing with her, I have fought with her, I have had scream panic attacks with her, I have cried tears of joy with her, I have slept sleepless nights with her, I have experienced new depths of the Father’s love with her, I have lived and loved with her. 


Words will simply fail in expressing the reflection of the Father in Ellie Zeller. If you ever get the chance to meet her, stay awhile, she’s a good one. 

3 responses to “A Slice of Him in us: Ellie Zeller”

  1. What a beautiful blog Elina! What an amazing gift of friendship and sisterhood God has given you in Ellie. “She truly is a good one.” And so are you!!!! We care about you and are praying for you!

  2. It truly is a gift to have a friend that totally gets you. Relationships are the essence of a deep and meaningful life, and it takes venerability to have authentic ones. I am so happy for you and Ellie to have each other to grow with on this journey. She will be a friend for life. I’m sending prayers that she overcomes any remaining illness. Love to you both.